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#30DaysWild - Lincolnshire

Last week saw us take a small break from Norfolk and travel back to Lincolnshire for a couple of days. We had a wonderful time relaxing and enjoying some of the wildlife Lincolnshire has to offer.

It has grown up a lot since the last time we were there, but it has not lost any of its charm. They still put on a lot of shows for their visitors, so we got to see the wolves, tigers, raccoons and raccoon dogs being fed, the amazing animal show (featuring a lot of animals that on the day didn't seem overly fussed about being well behaved!), a bird display, as well as our favourite reptile handling.

We took refuge from the slightly chilly day (especially chilly feeling after the mini heatwave we experienced the weekend before) in the tropical houses, which is Brett's favourite place to visit, and had a look around the new conservatory which has been saved and transported from The Lawns in Lincoln, and it looks great - we are looking forward to our next visit already so we can see it completely finished.

We really enjoyed seeing the tapir and capybara - they had young and were just so cute, complete miniature adults. We went back to see them quite a lot.

We are already looking forward to going back for another visit soon!

We also went on the lookout for some orchids. Brett has seen them for the last few years, but Emma has never seen them before, so we went looking for them at Mill Hill Quarry. Another amazing place!

You wander through a corridor of mature trees and come out into an open space full of wild flowers;

Such a treat! We saw Common Spotted, Pyramidal and Bee orchids for certain, and we think we also saw Common Twayblade too. There was also a carpet of Birdsfoot Trefoil at the far end of the reserve.

A thoroughly enjoyable few days away from the gallery - we feel rested and ready for the summer season to start in earnest!

We are open 5 days a week at the moment (only closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays) until mid July. You can find us off the top of Staithe Street, opposite the bank. If you can't visit in person, don't forget to check out our online shop, where you can find all sorts of goodies!

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